I’m a firm believer in dedicated office space, my number one booster of creative thinking.

I started off writing on a card table in an empty living room.  The table wasn’t fancy and the computer was really not fancy–a 286 that took five and a quarter inch discs.  (I know dating myself.)  But it was my dedicated space where I could go when I had a spare moment either during my kids’ naptimes or very early in the morning.

Somewhere along the way I bought some used furniture and a better computer.  I can still remember the day I graduated from the card table to the real desk.  It was a good day.

These days, those napping babies have gone to college.   I’m still working in the same living room space with the same used furniture, but I’ve also cleaned out my tool shed and set up shelving to hold all my books.  There’s even a spare desk out there so I have place to work when the kids return and the house gets delightfully loud and crazy again.


In my office with my dog Bella. Note it's only this clean during the few days following a deadline.