Mary Burton VULNERABLE image hi resWelcome to the first of my Countdown to Vulnerable Grab Bag GiveawaysVULNERABLE goes on sale Tuesday, May 29th and I’m declaring this and the next six Saturdays and Sundays my very own “romantic suspense weekends.”  Why? Because I think the advent of Georgia’s story in the fourth of my four Morgan Family novels deserves major fanfare.


I’ve had such a great time with each of the Morgan siblings and fell in love with my Nashville characters beginning with Deke, (Cover Your Eyes), followed by Rick (Be Afraid), Alex (I’ll Never Let You Go) and, now, Georgia.


Here’s the plan. Every Saturday beginning February 13th until publication date I’m celebrating by giving away a grab bag of my books. That’s one winner a week for seven weeks!


I hope you’ll join the fun and enter this and every week.


a Rafflecopter giveaway