Jul 10, 2010
I arrived at RomCon in Denver yesterday and hit the ground running. There was a visit to Memory Lane where readers could get their photos snapped with authors, the Build A Hero Workshop and dinner featuring keynote Lori Foster.

Here I am at Memory Lane with other RomCon authors: Delilah Marvelle, Wendy Darlin, Susan Donovan, Celeste Bradley

The Build A Hero session was great fun!

MB with author Jami Alden and the hero (Jake Malone) our table built.

The sun sets on mountains west of Denver.
May 1, 2010
Just finished up with the Romantic Times Convention’s big book signing and I’m headed back to Virginia. The signing was beyond packed with readers lined up through the hotel just to get into the ballroom where we had the signing. It was great fun!

Mar 4, 2010
I went up in my attic a few weeks ago and discovered I’m overrun with back issues of old books. It’s amazing what’s accumulated over the last decade: eight Harlequin Historicals, four Intimate Moments, three Zebra single title romantic suspenses and four anthologies. They take up quite a bit of space when you consider I have between twenty and fifty copies of each book plus a good many foreign editions.
The avid record keeper in me wanted some kind of system that chronicled all the work. I considered framing the covers but that promised to really clutter up the walls. And then a friend, who represents Creative Memories, suggested I scrapbook the covers. Its something I’ve never done before but I’ve got to say one Book containing all the covers really appealed.
So in the last few weeks I’ve pulled all the boxes out of the attic, sorted through all the domestic and foreign editions, donated the excess copies, and arranged all into chronological order. I never realized scrapbooking could be so physical!
I make no claims that my efforts will be any great work of art, but hopefully, I’ll have THE BOOK done by the time I go to the Romantic Times conference at the end of April. So, if you’re at RT, I’ll have THE BOOK at the Saturday signing for all to see.

Dec 18, 2009
Stop by Lori’s Reading Corner (http://lorisreadingcorner.blogspot.com) today and check out my blog entry! This is a great site and well worth exploring.
Dec 10, 2009

Stop by http://www.romconinc.com where I’m blogging today. Leave a comment and you’ll be entered to win a copy of my latest release DYING SCREAM as well as a copy of DEAD RINGER and I’M WATCHING YOU.
Romconinc is a new conference scheduled to be held July 9-11, 2011 in Denver, Colorado. I’ve already signed up and can’t wait!
Dec 10, 2009

This past weekend I had the chance to visit bookstores in Richmond, Fredericksburg and Northern Virginia and sign stock of my latest romantic suspense DYING SCREAM. It was great fun meeting booksellers who reported that store traffic and sales were brisk. I ended my mini-tour with a signing in Boonsboro, Maryland at Turn the Page Bookstore. Also signing were Nora Roberts, J D Robb, Patricia Gaffney, Ruth Ryan Langan, Mary Blayney, Patricia McDaniel and Jonna Mendez.