May 3, 2018
On this weekend before Mother’s Day, I’m doing two things. I’m counting down to Tuesday, May 8th—release day for HER LAST WORD, my latest suspense novel! And, as Mother’s Day approaches, I’m thinking about the mothers and other nurturers I’ve known over the years who have done so much to enhance my life. So, as you look forward to celebrating with those you love, be sure to enter to win a pre-publication copy of HER LAST WORD and two surprise picks from my backlist—a gift for you or one of the mothers in your life.
Enter below by midnight Sunday,, 5/6, for a chance to win!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
May 2, 2018
Kaitlin Roe was accustomed to pain.
Guilt, sorrow, and remorse were dull, consistent pains she endured, but the physical agony now jerking her toward consciousness was something she’d never felt before. Liquid fire scorched every cell and sinew, trapping her breath as she expanded her ribs and attempted to draw in air. Her heart raced, and she swallowed as she waited for the vise grip on her midsection to ease before she tried to breathe again.
When the pain dulled to a throb, she lay still until the screaming in her body stopped. Had the monster from fourteen years ago returned? Panic made her heart beat faster. A deep-seated urge to survive goaded her to open her eyes so she could get her bearings.
Instantly the harsh glare of the fluorescent lights smacked her square in the face. Her head throbbed. She closed her eyes and regrouped before she slowly reopened them. Her head still throbbed, but she adjusted to the pain.
The beep, beep of a monitor had her slowly turning her head left toward the machine’s green and red lights. An IV ran from a half-full bag to the thick blue vein in her arm.
Hospital. She was in a hospital? What had happened?
Her vision focused on the monitor, while she searched through the mental haze for her last concrete memory. She blinked while trying to scrape together the last images.
She had been at Erika’s house. She’d stepped inside . . . and then whatever happened next danced out of reach. She had no idea what happened to her.
“Welcome back.”
She turned her head toward the deep-baritone voice heavy with fatigue. Detective Adler sat in the chair by her bed. Dark stubble covered his chin, and his starched white dress shirt was wrinkled. Sleeves were rolled up, revealing hair covering muscled arms. His gun, as always, was holstered at his side along with cuffs and a phone.
He rose and leaned over the bed, staring at her with piercing gray eyes. Detective Adler. City of Richmond Homicide. But she wasn’t dead.
She swallowed her throat dry. “Aren’t you early?”
“I’m not dead.”

May 2, 2018
R.S.V. P. below now! I’ll “see” you Tuesday, May 8th for conversation, giveaways, book pulls, excerpts and more!
You don’t have to be “present” to win.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
(Party open to all. Prizes can only be shipped within U.S. and Canada. Must be 18 years and older to participate.)
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May 2, 2018
Enter now for a chance to win one of three pre-publication copies of Mary Burton’s new novel, HER LAST WORD, on sale Tuesday, May 8th.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Feb 14, 2018
Happy St. Valentine’s Day!
It’s such a wonderful excuse to spend time thinking about people you love. For me that includes some of my favorite couples–real and fictional. Kate Hayden and Theo Mazur from my recent novel, THE LAST MOVE, are two I rooted for the entire time I was writing their story–even when it seemed impossible to work around their disparate lives. They’re that good for each other. Do you agree? If you haven’t read THE LAST MOVE, enter now for a chance to win a copy. I’ll look forward to hearing what you think.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Feb 14, 2018
Enter for a chance to win my recent novel, THE LAST MOVE.
a Rafflecopter giveaway