Mary Burton News

Mary Burton’s THE LIES I TOLD (August 2, 2022) was nominated by the 2023 International Thriller Writers for Best Paperback Original. For a woman obsessed and a killer in her shadow, remembering the past becomes a mind game in a novel of psychological suspense by New York Times bestselling author Mary Burton
The Dollmaker is On Its Way
Early reader copies of THE DOLLMAKER have arrived! I’m delighted to have the book in my hands and to know it’s only a few months until I hear what readers think of forensic pathologist Tessa...
PUB DATE+8 Thank you to all who have shared kind words about COVER YOUR EYES! I appreciate the recommendations and your "shares" with friends. I think it's time to celebrate pub month with...
Virginia Festival of the Book
I had a great time at the Virginia Festival of the Book held in Charlottesville, Virginia March 20-24. I was there for an action packed Saturday that began with a reception sponsored by the...
Virginia This Morning!
On Friday, I had the great pleasure of being on Virginia This Morning to discuss the release of my latest suspense novel, THE SEVENTH VICITM.
Book Signings!
I hit to the road this past weekend and headed south first to Greenville, S.C. where I signed at Fiction-Addiction. What a great store! It was so much fun meeting readers and signing books. ...
A Writer’s Day
Despite many lofty promises, my writing day rarely is super-efficient. I always manage to write my 15-20 pages, but the journey is never as smooth as I hoped. 6:00 a.m. ...
Signing Books!
Had a great few days singing books! First stop was Hooray for Books! in Old Town Alexandria and then it was off to Boonsboro, Maryland to sign at Turn the Page bookstore. First stop Hooray for...
Sunday Supper
One of my favorite go-to meals is a roast chicken. I season with salt, pepper, dried dill and garlic powder before roasting in a 375 degree oven. I cook until the juices run clear, which is about...
Writing One Draft At A Time
Thought I'd share my process of writing. I made a quick video and posted it. I've also written out the steps I outlined in the video. (In the video, I managed to reference two draft 3s but I mean...
READ Center Volunteer
I joined READ Center Volunteers (l-r: MB, Martha Pulley, Jann Malone, Harriet Scruggs, Jane Henderson, Anne Napps) to staff a book sale for Richmond Times-Dispatch employees. All proceeds from...
Apple Picking
Went up to Carter's Mountain, VA this past weekend and picked apples. Got a little carried away and picked about twenty pounds worth but I'm looking forward to all the apple pies I'm going to make!...
New Jersey Romance Writers 2011 Conference
I had a real blast at the New Jersey Romance Writers Put Your Heart in A Book conference held in Iselin, NJ this past weekend. Not only did I get a chance to present my talk "Unraveling Romantic...
Georgia Romance Writers Moonlight and Magnolias
Just returned from a great trip to Atlanta, Georgia where I attended the Georgia Romance Writers 29th Annual Moonlight and Magnolias conference. I had the chance to present "Unraveling Romantic...
Writers Police Academy 2011
For anyone who writes mystery or suspense, you must consider attending the Writers Police Academy held near Greensboro, N.C. Recruits not only got to see a mock hostage situation but were able to...
Romance Writers of America 2011
Just returned from RWA held in New York this year. The conference hotel was right in the middle of the hustle and bustle of Times Square which added lots of great energy to the conference.
Lori Foster’s Reader and Author Get Together
Old Fashioned Pig Roast
I had the chance to go to a pig roast outside of Lexington, VA this past weekend. The weather was great and the views from the mountain top farm were stunning. ...
Kids Walk for Kids
I was a walker in the Kids Walk for Kids event this past Saturday. All proceeds for KWFK's go to Coordinators/2, a non-profit child placement agency. The event was great fun and I've already...
Turn the Page Signing
I drove to Boonsboro, Maryland to sign my latest releases SENSELESS and MERCILESS at Turn the Page Bookstore. Headlining the signing were Nora Roberts, Jeaniene Frost, Pamela Palmer, Grace Burrowes...
Barnes & Noble Booksigning
I had great fun at the Barnes & Noble this past Saturday signing SENSELESS and MERCILESS and meeting fans. Big thanks to everyone that came by!
Pizza Time!
With snow coming down and my refrigerator running on empty, I decided to take what remained in my crisper and turn it into home pizzas. First on tap was the dough, which turned out to be quite...
Snowshoe, West Virginia
Buddy, Bella and I rang in the New Year at Snowshoe, West Virginia. What a beautiful place!
The Three Days of Christmas
Christmas snuck up on me this year but I managed to pack in several weeks worth of work in a couple of days. Lots of fun but I am ready to chill this week.
New Jersey Romance Writers Conference
I had a blast at the New Jersey Romance Writer's Conference. Met lots of new folks, caught up with old friends and attended some great craft and business sessions.
Writer’s Police Academy
MB in front of a Hazardous Devices vehicle. I attended the Writers Police Academy this past weekend in Jamestown, NC. This event was jam-packed with demonstrations and seminars. I attended a...
Chatting with Chesapeake Romance Writers
I was down in Chesapeake, Virginia this past Saturday speaking to the Chesapeake Romance Writers about Dialogue. Had a great time and really enjoyed the group. Thought I’d share a few tips from...
Dying Scream Released in Germany
Banned Book Week Summer Reading
With 72 Days Until Banned Book Week I picked up my second banned/challenged book from my local library as part of my summer reading challenge. I decided to keep it light this time and chose a...
As part of my commitment to Banned Book Week (September 25-October 2, 2010), I’m reading TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD along with a number of other banned or challenged books. TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD is a...
July 4th Kicks Off My Banned Book Summer Reading
On the heels of yesterday’s Fourth of July festivities it seemed fitting to celebrate our first amendment right to free speech by reading a banned book. The book I picked up at my local library was...