It’s been such a whirlwind spring promoting the release of my latest romantic suspense novel BE AFRAID, the second book in my Morgans of Nashville series. I made it as far north as Milwaukee and as far south as Dallas as I met with readers, mingled with some fabulous authors and spoke to writers about the craft of writing. Thought I’d share a few pictures from my Spring 2015 travels.

The wonderful ladies of the Greater Detroit Romance Writers of America on March 21, 2015. I spoke to the group about “Writing Your Novel One Draft At a Time.”

Romantic Times 2015 in Dallas, Texas with the Panelist for “Making the Leap to Mainstream,” including Megan Hart, MB, Kerry Reichs, Sophie Littlefield and moderator Kristin Harmel.

A May 18, 2015 panel at Fiction-Addiction in Greenville, SC with Courtney McKinney-Wittaker, Sarah McCoy, Kim Daisy and Margaret Bradham Thornton.