Mar 19, 2016
Just under two weeks to go until VULNERABLE, forensic specialist Georgia Morgan’s story. Time for the sixth of my Grab Bag Giveaways and just one more to go before publication date! I’m happy to see so many of you entering and to have the chance to share some of my previous novels.
Needless to say, with on sale date looming, I keep revisiting the book in my head and I find myself enjoying Detective Jake Bishop more and more. Especially knowing that when he first shows up in VULNERABLE he has no idea what he’s getting into when he’s partnered with Georgia on a reopened cold case.
I especially enjoy rereading this scene between Jake and KC at Rudy’s bar.
When Jake arrived at Rudy’s, he was dog tired but had heard from Rick that Georgia had landed a slot onstage at the last minute. As much as he needed to work, to sleep, he couldn’t resist seeing her sing.
The bar was crowded and most hovered close to the stage where Georgia held the mike close to her mouth and sang Faith Hill’s “Breathe.” As her voice echoed through the room, energy moved through him, tightening around his heart like a fist. What the hell was it about her that got under his skin?
She leaned into the microphone, closed her eyes, and her voice summoned sadness, loss, and frustration from the song. She could hit all the high and low notes with perfect pitch, but it was the emotion she so freely injected into each note that grabbed her audience and held them tight. Emotions he’d kept long locked in a very secure place burned in the center of his chest and coaxed feelings he’d not had since Boston.
“She’s so good,” KC said as he dried a tumbler with a bar towel. “Hard to take your eyes off her.”
Jake turned, surprised to be caught staring. “She’s great.” He reached for the half-full glass of ice water and took a long drink, astonished that his throat was so dry.
“I’m puzzled someone hasn’t snapped her up,” KC said, a teasing note woven around the words.
“She’s mean as a snake,” Jake said, setting down his glass harder than he anticipated. “Pretty to look at and nice to listen to, but don’t get too close. She’ll bite your head off.”
KC laughed as he carefully stacked the glasses next to a dozen others.“That’s what keeps it interesting, don’t you think? That’s what I loved about my late wife. So nice and kind to many, but she kept me on my toes. She never minced words when she was pissed at me.”
“How long were you married?” His gaze followed a drip of water down the side of the chilled glass.
“Twenty-five years.”
“That’s something.”
KC’s eyes dulled a fraction. “Sounds like a long time, but now it just seems like a blink.”
Jake had been engaged to Alice less than two months. They’d planned a spring wedding. That moment went by so fast there were days he wondered if it were real. “Life goes so fast. It’s over before you know it.”
“Yeah.” KC set the bar glass down as Georgia finished her song. “So you gonna nut up and ask her out?”
Jake carefully pushed his glass a few inches away. “Who?”
KC snorted a laugh. “Don’t bullshit me, son. You know who.”
Jake shrugged, deciding he’d rather play it dumb than out his feelings for Georgia Morgan and suffer her wrath. “As soon as I get my tetanus shot.”
I hope you enjoyed this sneak peek at Jake as I celebrate the sixth “romantic suspense weekend” in my Countdown to Vulnerable. Want to read more? If you haven’t already, check out the excerpt on my site. And please don’t forget to enter for a chance to win a Grab Bag of my titles.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Mar 17, 2016
As always, the Morgan’s are celebrating their Irish heritage with gusto, including a traditional dinner followed by dessert. This year it’s Georgia’s favorite, Espresso Chocolate Cupcakes with Bailey’s Irish Cream Frosting.
I hope you’ll try my latest Killer Recipe and. if you do, that you’ll let me know how it comes out. Meanwhile, I hope you’ll also enter my latest giveaway for a chance to win an Advance Reader Copy of VULNERABLE and that you’ll take a moment to enjoy the excerpt featured at my site.
The Morgan’s Espresso Chocolate Cupcakes with
Bailey’s Irish Cream Chocolate Frosting
A Mary Burton Killer Recipe

2 cups sugar
1 ¾ cups all-purpose flour
¾ cup cacao powder
1 tablespoon espresso powder
1 ½ teaspoon baking powder
1 ½ teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1 cup milk
½ cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 cup boiling water
Sift together the sugar, flour, cacao, espresso powder, baking powder, baking soda and salt. In a separate bowl beat together eggs, milk, oil and vanilla. Mix into dry ingredients and then blend in boiling water. Pour into lined cupcake tins and bake in a preheated 350-degree oven for 12-15 minutes.
1 stick of softened butter
1/3 cup softened cream cheese
2/3 cup cacao
1 teaspoon vanilla
2-3 tablespoons of milk
2 tablespoons Bailey’s Irish Cream
3 cups powdered sugar
Whip together the butter and cream cheese until smooth. Add cacao and vanilla and blend. Alternating, mix the milk and the powdered sugar until creamy. When the cupcakes are cooled frost.
Mar 17, 2016
nter my Flash Giveaway for a chance to win an Advance Reader Copy of VULNERABLE, my new suspense novel featuring the Morgan’s, Nashville’s preeminent law enforcement
family. This time it’s Georgia and Detective Jake Bishop’s story. Giveaway ends at midnight tonight!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Mar 16, 2016
Happy St. Patrick’s Day all! I’m keeping busy at this end with the usual—debating the latest holiday costumes for Buddy, Bella and Tiki, and whipping up a St. Patrick’s Day
recipe or two. This time it’s The Morgan’s Espresso Chocolate Cupcakes with Bailey’s Irish Cream Chocolate Frosting. I’m also giving away an Advance Reader Copy of VULNERABLE before it reaches stores on Tuesday, March 29th. I hope you’ll enter for a chance to win!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Mar 13, 2016
I can’t think of anything sadder than the loss of a loved one. And I can only imagine that this pain must be even worse if, as sometimes happens, the person is never positively identified. Aside from the heartache of “what if,” there are practical complications as well for family and friends. Positive ID is important beyond providing closure. It’s needed to obtain a death certificate, access bank accounts, transfer property, settle insurance claims and any number of other practical issues.
In cases where identification is in doubt, medical examiners must sometimes make a “presumptive identification” based on fingerprints, dental records and DNA. When the scientific means of confirming the person’s identity isn’t possible because of fire or decomposition, medical and law enforcement professionals must find identification clues in other evidence. Where was the body found? What clothes or jewelry was the victim wearing? Was the deceased carrying credit cards, notes or receipts?
When a crime is involved, knowing the name of a possible victim is hugely important to law enforcement’s investigation. I knew this when I gave a local police department in I’LL NEVER LET YOU GO, the third of my “Morgan Family” novels, the puzzle of a death with no verifiable clues—no DNA results or dental records. All I gave them was a wallet with a driver’s license and a family ring.
Here’s Tennessee Bureau of Investigation agent and Morgan sibling Alex dealing with the possibility of a mistaken identification.
Alex arrived at the state medical examiner’s office minutes after eight, a newly acquired file tucked under his arm. He approached reception, showed his badge, and stated he had an appointment with Dr. Heller. He’d only had minutes to wait before she appeared at the side door. Dark slacks and a chestnut-brown turtleneck accentuated her long frame. She wore her hair pinned up in a tight bun at the base of her neck. Reading glasses perched on her head. She crossed the lobby, smiling. “Alex, what can I do for you?”
“I have a file I’d like you to review.”
“Sure. Come on back.” She scanned her card at the door and it clicked open, and the two moved to a small conference room off the lobby. She sat at the head of the table and he took the seat to her left. “What do you have for me?”
“It’s an autopsy report. Done by a coroner in South Carolina.”
He pushed the file toward her. “Read it and let me know what you think. It’s only a couple of pages.”
She perched her glasses on her nose and leaned forward as she opened the file. She read the first page and frowned. The second page deepened that frown, and by the time she’d reached the third page, she looked puzzled.
“What do you think?”
“I think it’s rather incomplete. The body was badly burned in the car accident, but there was no DNA testing done, nor were dental records pulled. The identification was made solely on a charred wallet at the scene, a ring on the victim’s finger, and hearsay from several witnesses.”
“If you were going to fake a death . . .”
“I’d pick a jurisdiction like this. It’s rural, the county coroner isn’t a medical professional by trade, and it would be a place where identification mistakes are likely. That’s not to say the didn’t ID the right guy. They may have, but I’d want more evidence to make a ruling.”
He sat back in his chair, almost sorry his instincts were proving correct. “Right.”
“Why pull this file? . . . Why care?”