Feb 26, 2016
Five weeks to go until VULNERABLE! Which means it’s time for the third Grab Bag Giveaway in our seven week countdown to publication date. Here’s a share that brings us inside Forensic Specialist Georgia Morgan’s head as she works a crime scene.
Georgia did her best to consider dead bodies as evidence to be studied. But when the victim was young, as this girl had been, it was difficult to not look behind the ravages of death and see a sweet young girl brutally robbed of her life.
A heaviness settled in her chest and, for a moment, she didn’t move as she sat quietly by the girl, her gloved hand resting on the lifeless arm. As she sat, she glanced over at the three waxy puddles that had illuminated the cave. Why the candles? Had the killer used them to light up his little cave of horrors? Tears burned in the back of her throat. “I swear, I’ll find out who did this.”
“Talking to yourself?” Jake asked.
“I talk to dead people,” she said. “Didn’t you know that?”
I hope you enjoyed the above sneak peek celebrating the third “romantic suspense weekend” in my Countdown to VULNERABLE. Ready to read more? Here’s a longer excerpt. And please don’t forget to enter for a chance to win a Grab Bag of my titles.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Feb 20, 2016
Six weeks to go until VULNERABLE! Which means it’s time for the second Grab Bag Giveaway in our seven week countdown to publication date. The latest news? This 4 star review just in from RT Book Reviews—
“Burton’s latest centers on the youngest Morgan sibling, Georgia, as she delves into a case. Jake and Georgia’s subtle yet heated attraction provides a good layer of tension to an already tense situation involving a cold case. With precision and detail, Burton crafts a suspenseful plot. Her dialogue is crisp and sharp; her characters are distinctive and her villain is off-kilter, psychotic and wholly believable.”
Can you tell I’m excited? (Thank you, RT!) VULNERABLE goes on sale Tuesday, May 29th and is available for pre-order.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the second of my romantic suspense weekends and that, if you don’t get lucky right away, you’ll enter every week for a chance to win a Grab Bag of my titles.
I’ve had such a great time with each of the Morgan siblings and fell in love with all my Nashville characters beginning with Deke, (Cover Your Eyes), followed by Rick (Be Afraid), Alex (I’ll Never Let You Go) and, now, Georgia. I hope you have, too!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Feb 13, 2016
Welcome to the first of my Countdown to Vulnerable Grab Bag Giveaways! VULNERABLE goes on sale Tuesday, May 29th and I’m declaring this and the next six Saturdays and Sundays my very own “romantic suspense weekends.” Why? Because I think the advent of Georgia’s story in the fourth of my four Morgan Family novels deserves major fanfare.
I’ve had such a great time with each of the Morgan siblings and fell in love with my Nashville characters beginning with Deke, (Cover Your Eyes), followed by Rick (Be Afraid), Alex (I’ll Never Let You Go) and, now, Georgia.
Here’s the plan. Every Saturday beginning February 13th until publication date I’m celebrating by giving away a grab bag of my books. That’s one winner a week for seven weeks!
I hope you’ll join the fun and enter this and every week.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Feb 12, 2016
It’s time for a Giveaway! It’s the middle of February and I can now see my Morgan Family suspense novel, VULNERABLE, hovering on the horizon. Publication date is March 29th. In
celebration of all four books featuring the Morgans, I’m giving away the first, COVER YOUR EYES. Enter and enjoy and if you’ve already read the book, feel free to share the contest with friends.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Nov 23, 2015
As you know, the Morgans are not only about crime, firearms and forensic evidence despite the law enforcement prowess they demonstrate in Cover Your Eyes, Be Afraid and I’ll Never Let You Go.
They are, among other things, very much about family. So it shouldn’t come as surprise, despite Georgia’s reputation as a bit of a disaster in the kitchen and scant evidence of the men’s culinary prowess, that Deke, Rick, Alex and Georgia have favorites that are very much a part of their holiday gatherings.
I’m excited to share this one, which graces their Thanksgiving table each year. It’s Walnut Pumpkin Cake and it’s my pleasure to add it as my latest “Killer Recipe.”
So, bon appéitit, and please let me know how it turns out for you.
Morgan Family Walnut Pumpkin Cake
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 ⁄ 2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 cups sugar
1 cup corn oil
4 eggs
2 cups canned pumpkin
½ cup walnuts
Cream Cheese Icing
8 ounces of cream cheese
½ cup or one stick of butter
4 cups confectioners’ sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
Sift together flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder, and cinnamon. In a separate bowl blend sugar and oil and then mix in eggs one at a time. Add pumpkin to oil/ sugar mixture. Add dry ingredients and blend until smooth. Add walnuts. Bake at 350 degrees for40 to 50 minutes in a parchment lined baking bread pan.
Cream together softened cream cheese and butter. When well blended add vanilla. Mix in confectioner’s sugar until smooth.
Nov 20, 2015
As promised, here it is—me baking my Killer Recipe: Pumpkin Bread to Die For on WTVR’s Virginia This Morning! Thanks again to host Cheryl Miller, producer Torri Strickland and all over at Central Virginia’s Ch6/WTVR who welcomed me to the show!